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Code of Conduct

We shall strive for long-term business growth by generating genuine added value to our customers. Employees shall always follow ethical and legal standards in the conduct of business and shall act professionally, honestly, and observe the highest standards of integrity avoiding any conflict between their own personal interests and the interests of company. Employees who receive or learn of any confidential business information or trade secrets of company or clients shall keep such information confidential and may not, for other than company business purposes, disclose any such information to third parties (including friends and family members). The Company does not participate in politics and does not support political parties or groups financially or otherwise. Employees participating in political activities shall do so as private persons only and not as representatives of company.

The company considers the environmental aspects of its service offerings and continuously aims at reducing the overall environmental impact of its business operations as well as promoting sustainability by developing eco-efficient products and services.

The company is a responsible employer and supports equal opportunities for its employees. No discrimination based on for example race, nationality, age, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership or political activity is allowed. The company does not allow child or forced labour or engage service providers that do so. The company strives to provide fair compensation as well as a safe and healthy workplace for all Employees.